
What Role Does Meditation And Relaxation Play In Pain Management? Dr. Jennifer Stevens

What Role Does Meditation And Relaxation Play In Pain Management? Dr. Jennifer Stevens

So as part of a multidisciplinary treatment programme, you can approach meditation or mindfulness, or other psychological therapies like that, in all sorts of different ways. And if you attend a psychologist or a chronic pain clinic, you’ll be taken through some of those. There’s various apps that you can download to help you with that, but it’s recommended that you get psychological help to pick the one that’s going to be the best for you.

What is Multidisciplinary Pain Management? Dr. Jennifer Stevens

What is Multidisciplinary Pain Management? Dr. Jennifer Stevens

If you’ve got chronic pain that’s gone on for longer than three months or is very complex and started to affect other parts of your life, you’ll often be referred to a multidisciplinary pain clinic. Now, what does that mean? That means that we look at all the different aspects of your life and how the pain has affected it. So, it’s partly about the physical, it’s about drug safety, making sure that the medications that you’re on are not ones that you’re going to become dependent on, they’re not going to cause other problems within your life. It’s partly about making sure that nothing’s been missed in your diagnosis.

Video: 4 x 4 meditation

Video: 4 x 4 meditation

This 4 x 4 breathing meditation is a powerful meditation designed to regulate the breathing and bring calm to the body when it’s been hijacked by stress or anxiety.