Eye Health

Eye anatomy

Eye anatomy

View this anatomical diagram of the eye, showing the eye structure, including the pupil, iris, cornea, retina and optic nerve.

Red eye

Red eye

Red eye is the term used when irritation or infection causes the eye to be red, itchy, watery and feel gritty. It's sometimes known as a 'bloodshot eye'.

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

Amblyopia is a common cause of reduced vision in children, sometimes known as ‘lazy eye’. Usually one eye is affected, but sometimes both.

Glaucoma: acute glaucoma

Glaucoma: acute glaucoma

In acute glaucoma the pressure in the eye increases rapidly, leading to sudden symptoms such as eye pain. Urgent treatment is needed to prevent vision loss.



A stye (sty) is an infection of a follicle or gland at the base of an eyelash, caused by bacteria, usually Staphylococcus. It happens when the follicle becomes clogged with oil or dirt.



Keratoconus is an eye condition where the cornea becomes thin, resulting in distorted vision. Find out about the causes, symptoms and treatment.